Holistic Transformation

Borneo Drink and Live is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering holistic transformation in Indonesia by addressing life-threatening challenges. Through our community partnership approach, we strive to empower individuals and promote sustainable development, ensuring access to clean water, sanitation, health services, education, and economic opportunities. By addressing these fundamental needs, we aim to create a pathway towards a thriving and resilient society, where every person can live a life of dignity and hope.

The problem

In many local communities, the availability of clean water for consumption and domestic use is a pressing challenge. Locals often rely on river water, local wells, and swamps as their water sources. Unfortunately, due to water contamination and prolonged dry seasons, these villages frequently face severe shortages of clean water.

Furthermore, the absence of proper sanitation facilities compounds the problem. Human waste is commonly disposed of directly into nearby swamps or rivers without any treatment. In villages that are not situated near swamps or rivers, sewage is often disposed of in unprotected ground holes, which are susceptible to flooding and pose a significant risk to public health and hygiene. Addressing these critical issues is vital to ensure the well-being and safety of these communities. 

Our mission

Our mission is to alleviate the water and sanitation crisis in the villages of Indonesia by implementing sustainable solutions that address the immediate needs while empowering communities to achieve long-term access to clean water and improved sanitation. We aim to demonstrate God's love, compassion, and justice in all our actions, fostering holistic development and transformation.

We strongly believe in the power of collaboration and partnership with local organizations and community leaders to develop suitable and sustainable solutions that align with the local context. By engaging in these partnerships, we can create education and training programs that are culturally sensitive and resonate with the local villagers, increasing the likelihood of their adoption.